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时间:2012-09-26 来源:慧盟验厂 点击:

4.0、Laboratory/Internal Testing/Color Evaluation实验室/内部测试/颜色评估

4.1、Does the factory has a laboratory?工厂是否有实验室?

4.2、Laboratory facility 实验室设备

4.2.1、Is there enough space for the laboratory?实验室的空间是否足够?

4.2.2、Is the laboratory clean and organized?实验室是否干净及整齐?

4.2.3、Does the laboratory have sufficient lighting?实验室的灯光是否足够?

4.2.4、Is the laboratory well ventilated?实验室是否通风?

4.3、Laboratory equipment 实验室装备

4.3.1、Are machines, equipment, fixtures and tools suitable to produce clients product? 机器设备,夹具是否符合生产客户之产品要求?

4.3.2、Do machines, equipment, fixtures and tools appear to be clean and in good condition?机器设备,夹具是否干净及完整良好?

4.3.3、Is there a formal documented preventive maintenance program in place?机器设备,夹具是否有进行维修保养?

4.3.4、Are documentation and records maintained for this area?是否有维修保养记录?

4.3.5、Does the lab have safety testing equipment as appropriate for Children's product?实验室是否有小孩产品安全测试设备?

4.3.6、Sharp Points Tester是否有尖点测试器?

4.3.7、Sharp Edge Tester是否有利边测试器

4.3.8、Rattle Gauge 是否摇钤测试器?

4.3.9、Probe for Loop是否有绳及橡皮筋探头测试器?

4.3.10、Small Ball Fixture是否有小球测试器?

4.3.11、Sound Level Meter是否有声音测试器?

4.3.12、Bite Tester是否有咬力测试器?

4.3.13、Ampere Meter是否有电流表?


4.3.15、Flexure Tester是否有扭曲测试器?


4.3.17、Thickness Gauge是否有厚度表?

4.3.18、Dead Weight是否有砝码测试器?

4.3.19、Hardness Gauge是否有硬度表?

4.3.20、Oval Gauge是否有随圆形钢铃测试器?

4.3.21、Small Part Cylinder是否有细少物件圆筒?

4.3.22、Pull Test Equipment是否有拉力计?

4.3.23、Does the factory have Macbeth Spectra Light III or Gretag Judge II or other recognized brand of light box with D65 and UL 3000 light sources?工厂是否有灯箱?

4.3.24、Does the factory have maintenance/replacement log for lamp bulbs used for the light box?工厂的灯箱是否有进行维护保养?

4.3.25、Is there a valid calibration certificate - for the light box?灯箱是否有进行校证?

4.4、Laboratory Training实验室培训

4.4.1、Is there documentation/certificates available showing evidence that all Lab Technicians have been trained by qualified /professional independent lab technicians?实验室所有技术人员是否有培训?

4.4.2、Are all people responsible for making color evaluation tested for color vision? (Records)调色人员是否有进行色盲标准测试?

4.5、Laboratory Document and Process Control实验室文件与程序控制

4.5.1、Are Outside/In-house testing records kept for at least one year? 所有测试报告是否有保持一年?

4.5.2、Does the factory conduct internal testing?工厂是否有进行内部测试?

4.5.3、Are there procedures written in the language of the country of origin on the use of the lab testing equipment?实验室设备的使用程序是否有用当地的语言(中文)?
